Sign-Up to Join Our Movement

Complete the form below, to join our ParentsUnitedRI email list, so we can all fight back against the woke-left, who are seeking to control more and more aspects of our families' lives.

Senator Sam Bell's Universal Vaccine Mandate bill, S2552, for example, would infringe on our parental rights by mandating that every child - and resident - of Rhode Island be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 ... or be subject to massive monetary fines!

It's our families ... and it must be our choice!

When bills like this enter committee you will get an email/text reminder from our team to register to testify in person or by email. Filling out this form does not mean you are obligated to testify. We will simply alert you when it's time and provide all the information on how to engage with your legislators. Watch your inbox! Your voice matters!

Yes! I would like to be advised of #ParentsUnitedRI candidates, events, and legislative updates!